Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My stray escaped and is missing!!

My stray-cat already escaped his new home! On the very first day, he was there! The woman left the outside door ajar!!! Really! I couldn't believe it, when I heard it! She promised me a dozen times, she would be extra carefull with the doors and windows!

So, now, the poor cat is lost in a village that is completely foreign to him; 150 km/95 miles away from here! What must he think? That everyone deserted him, most of all me, because I gave him away, when he trusted me! I did it out of good intention, but still...

I registered him with all the official missing-pet-authorities and made a flyer to pass around, but I'm not holding my breath. I have a feeling, I will never see him again...

I gave 3,5 months to this sweet cat to resocialise him, because he was very untrustful towards people....and all this was thrown away in 1 day... I'm so very, very sad!! I'm physically ill because of it...

And I'm so tired of the well-spread carelessness in general, these days. But especially when poor animals are concerned! They depend on us! If you are not prepared to make an effort, then please do NOT take an animal into your home!

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