Thursday, January 1, 2009

Terrible fireworks!

The new year is here....and the fireworks were just awful and lasted from 10 a.m. on the 31st until 2.30 a.m. this morning! And they are still at it, today. My poor pets were (and still are) so very frightened: the dogs still don't want to go outside (I have to drag them!) and Zoë has been hiding in the closet since yesterday morning! Only Murphy is OK now. *sigh*

But...there is, a petition has been started to ban fireworks for non-professionals! The Netherlands are one of the few countries that allows non-professionals to handle fireworks themselves, causing lots of troubles and accidents, every year on New Year's Eve. (But is starts weeks earlier and lasts for days into the new year, too.) Plus all those scared pets and animals living in the wild!

I rescued a poor hedgehog in shock, yesterday. He was just lying the middle of the street, not curled up. Fingers crossed, he'll survive!

So, if you love animals and live in the Netherlands, you can go here to sign the petition:


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