Tuesday, July 7, 2009

back at last...

Well, I'm back here with a short message....the last 6 month's have been awful. Lots of sickness for my pets (Shelly had her 3rd heart attack; Sita had another hole in her back because of the staffylokok-bacteria and Zoë had a major jaw-operation; only Murphy was healthy.) and me and I'm still grieving so much for my missing cat. I just can not get over that...missing is so much worse than dead, because then, you have certainty and at least, you know, that the animal is "safe"....when the pet is missing, you know nothing and you keep on thinking where he is...if he's OK...if he has enough food....shelter....or if people are mistreating him....etc....really, this is killing me. I do not understand how people move on in a situation like this; I really don't! I'm just so sad 24/7....

Friday, January 23, 2009

Zoë is very ill...

Today, we were at the vet's once again...Zoë is so very ill. Her asthma is very bad, she has a huge throat-infection, that just doesn't go away and now, she is lethargic and not eating.... She is not even 17 months old, so I'm very, very worried!

The injections, she is getting, aren't working as they should...next week, she'll have more injections. Maybe, she needs a "little" longer to accept this medicine...let's hope, that's "all".

In the meantime, I'm trying my best to get her to eat anything. She normally only likes her biscuits, but her throat is too sore for that, so I'm tempting her with soft(er) food...she is interested because she is hungry, but eating is just too painful.

I hope, she will eat something by herself soon; otherwise she will have to be force-fed by the vet. *sigh*

Thursday, January 22, 2009

GREAT Give Away.

Bowlsnannies is having another GREAT Give Away: the cutest rag doll you've ever seen! But....hurry...there is not much time!

Here is the place to sign up:

You can see pictures of the doll there, too.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bearded Collie walk.

Last Sunday, we joined the Bearded Collie walk for the very first time and it was great fun. Extra surprise: there was SNOW in Garderen.

There were 27 beardies and 2 other dogs; one was Shelly. Afterwards, we all had hot chocolate and apple pie. It was a lovely afternoon and I'm already looking forward to the next walk if the distance is not too long and if we are all well enough, healthwise, of course.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

poor hedgehog died.

Well, as I expected...the poor little hedgehog didn't make it; he died. The hedgehog-rescue here only accepts them if there is blood visible, but shock is just as dangerous, of course; maybe even more dangerous! And the poor animal definitely was in shock over the fireworks that were practically thrown ON his head while he was sleeping...

But since it's freezing heavily here (minus 15 degrees Celsius), I can't bury him just yet....my garden is an animal-cemetery...so I'll have to wait until the temperatures go up again.

But...after just 5 days, 25.000 people have signed the petition against fireworks and 40.000 signatures are needed for the issue to be handled by politicians, so this is going very well!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Terrible fireworks!

The new year is here....and the fireworks were just awful and lasted from 10 a.m. on the 31st until 2.30 a.m. this morning! And they are still at it, today. My poor pets were (and still are) so very frightened: the dogs still don't want to go outside (I have to drag them!) and Zoë has been hiding in the closet since yesterday morning! Only Murphy is OK now. *sigh*

But...there is hope....today, a petition has been started to ban fireworks for non-professionals! The Netherlands are one of the few countries that allows non-professionals to handle fireworks themselves, causing lots of troubles and accidents, every year on New Year's Eve. (But is starts weeks earlier and lasts for days into the new year, too.) Plus all those scared pets and animals living in the wild!

I rescued a poor hedgehog in shock, yesterday. He was just lying there...in the middle of the street, not curled up. Fingers crossed, he'll survive!

So, if you love animals and live in the Netherlands, you can go here to sign the petition:

