Monday, September 8, 2008

Sita's knee-operation

Last week, Sita, my Bearded Collie, had a major knee-operation.

Some time ago, she was knocked over by a huge, wild dog and eventhough, she seemed fine at the time, she started limping severely, some time later and an operation was necessary.

Her knee-joint turned out to be a complete mess: the wrappers were torn, her knee-cap was very dislocated and the heads of both bones, leading to the knee, were full of scar tissue already and very uneven.

Here is a picture of her knee now. The rehabilitation will take at least 3 months!

So, my warning to all owners of big, wild dogs: please make sure, your dog does NOT knock over other dogs; the damage can be awful, very painful for the other dog and very expensive for it's owner! No matter how small or big the other dog is; Sita weighs 50 pounds, so it can happen to big(ger) dogs, too.


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