Sunday, September 28, 2008

My stray found a new home.

Today, my stray-cat went to live with a new owner. The lady drove almost 150 km./95 miles, just to come and get him. His new home will be near Breda (in the south of Holland), of all places!

I grew up near Breda and lived there for almost 18 years, but I haven't been back there for almost 10 years now...

Of course, I'm very happy, he has found a new home before winter started, but I miss him already....but he is such a sweety, so he deserves his own home without dogs or kids (which he doesn't like)!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My stray again...

Here is another photo of my stray-cat, sitting on the night-shelter, I made for him.

I keep on encouraging him to come inside, but he's afraid of Sita, unfortunately...

He's looking better, physically, though. Not as thin, anymore and no more wounds. Plus he's lots more cuddly, than he was before, so that's a good sign.

Waiting in line for lunch. ;-)

Just took this photo and I think, it's so cute; Zoë waiting in line for lunch.

At last, my youngest girl is getting more patient; before, she would have pushed Murphy aside. And he let her do that, too. ;-)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hallowe'en is coming!

Eventhough, Hallowe'en is not a big thing in the Netherlands (yet?)(unfortunately, if you ask me), I've started a cute Hallowe'en-project:

The cat and the witch-hat will be in black felt.

I'm going to make a broom, using a real stick and some straw, so mine will not be a kitchen-witch, but it will still be cute, don't you think? ;-)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Rare picture

This is a rare picture of Zoë and Murphy. They hardly ever lay next to each other, except on me; and then, I can't take a picture, of course. :-) They are good friends and often play together, but laying side by side like this, no. So, I rushed to get the camera and took this pic. (Murphy is sleeping on Sita's pyjamas.;-) )

walking in the woods...

Yesterday, we went for a walk in the woods again. Because of Sita's knee, we weren't able to go for a very long time, so both girls enjoyed themselves, a lot.

Sita went into the water, straight away, of course. Shelly never goes in and hardly ever gets her feet wet, but she just drinks a little water.

Afterwards, Sita likes to roll in the dirt. ;-)

Sita's poodle-leg ;-)

Here is the promised pic of Sita's poodle-leg.

Luckily, her long hair is hanging over it, when she walks, so you hardly notice. ;-)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sita's stitches removed.

Yesterday, Sita had to go back to the orthopedic surgeon and he was very satisfied with her progress, so far. The stitches were removed (so she doesn't have to wear her pyjamas anymore) and from now on, she starts her rehabilitation-period, which will take 3-5 months. *sigh*

She won't be allowed to jump or run for a while. And she is not an easy patient...she wants to do everything herself. ;-) But she will just have to learn to accept my help....starting by letting me carry her up and down the stairs (and she weighs 50 pounds!), twice a day, since she is used to sleeping in the bedroom, like all my pets. ;-)

But the vet is sure, she will make a complete recovery, so I'm happy. At 8, she is too young to be retired already. ;-)

Her leg looks like a poodle-leg now, which is quite funny. I'll take a photo ASAP. That's a promise.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

picture from the past...

Yesterday, I found this picture of Shelly and Sita, when Sita was still a puppy. So, this is 8 years ago. How time flies...

But it's clear, that both girls were best of friends since day one, eventhough, they didn't live together yet, back then.

my stray-cat

Some time ago, this poor stray-cat came asking for food. He was very skinny and had fleas and ticks and worms and some wounds, too. My neighbor and I patched him up, had him registered as a found cat and also put up flyers everywhere, but nothing.

So, we think, he's been dumped, poor thing. I'm trying to find him a good home before winter starts, but it's not easy. He is quite timid and doesn't like to come inside the house, so fingers crossed.

In the meantime, I'm feeding him, of course and I made him a warm and dry shelter, which he uses, too, but he deserves a real home!

Sita's pyjamas

Here is a pic of Sita in her pyjamas. She has to wear this shirt during the night, to prevent her from removing the stitches in her knee.

She doesn't really like it (and has actually removed the shirt a few times already), but no choice; until the stitches come out on Friday, she will have to wear this.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sita as a kitten-mommy.

When Murphy was just a tiny kitten, his real mom got very ill, so Murphy (and his 2 brothers and 2 sisters) had to go to their new homes extra early. In fact, they were still too young, but Murphy got a great foster-mom in Sita. She kept him warm and was really very patient. She would have made a perfect mom, if she ever would have had the chance to have puppies herself.

Just look at these pictures. Aren't they so cute together? Murphy even tried to drink with her (4th picture) and she let him try, too, eventhough her face says, she wasn't too impressed...

Monday, September 8, 2008


Here is a pic of my crocheted budgie. I'm making her a friend, but thought, I would put this pic on my blog, already.

Sita's knee-operation

Last week, Sita, my Bearded Collie, had a major knee-operation.

Some time ago, she was knocked over by a huge, wild dog and eventhough, she seemed fine at the time, she started limping severely, some time later and an operation was necessary.

Her knee-joint turned out to be a complete mess: the wrappers were torn, her knee-cap was very dislocated and the heads of both bones, leading to the knee, were full of scar tissue already and very uneven.

Here is a picture of her knee now. The rehabilitation will take at least 3 months!

So, my warning to all owners of big, wild dogs: please make sure, your dog does NOT knock over other dogs; the damage can be awful, very painful for the other dog and very expensive for it's owner! No matter how small or big the other dog is; Sita weighs 50 pounds, so it can happen to big(ger) dogs, too.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

cloth dolls

Recently, I found a new craft: making cloth dolls. I've made 3 so far, all patterns by De Powell, whose site can be found here:

She has lots of great (E-)patterns and wonderful doll-hair, too. Her site is really worth visiting.

Here are pics of my dolls:

My crafts

In the beginning of 2006, I started crochet and a little knitting and only recently did I start sewing stuff.

It's a great hobby and I can highly recommend it. ;-) I've never been into crafts at all (I'm a huge bookworm), so if I can do this, everyone can; really!

Here is a link with the stuff, I've made so far:



Zoë is the benjamin; she just turned 1 year old and came to me, last December.

She had a very bad start in life, because she was taken away from her mother, when she was only one day old. She was hand-raised by a very sweet lady, who made sure, Zoë survived, because she had a lot of health-issues and it was unclear, for a long time, if she would make it.


Shelly is a rescue dog. She is about 14 years old and was rescued by my aunt, 10 years ago.

When my aunt died very suddenly, 2 years ago, Shelly came to live with me, of course.


Murphy is 6 years old and his mother was found in Barcelona, Spain. Very pregnant, but otherwise just skin and bones. She was taken to the Netherlands and the next day, she gave birth to 5 completely black kittens.

Murphy is half long-haired, so his father must have been a long-haired cat, since his mother had normal short hair.


Sita is an 8-year-old Bearded Collie-girl. She came to me when she was just 9 weeks old.

Last week, she had a major knee-operation, because she was knocked over by a huge dog, some time ago.

So, we have now started her (at least) 3-month-rehabilitation-period.

Elma's 7th heaven.

This blog will be about my little world, my 7th heaven.

Due to bad health, my world is at home, together with my 4 pets, who mean the world to me, and my crafts: crochet and sewing.

I've called this blog "7th Heaven", because my home really is my 7th Heaven; I enjoy my life inside and am completely at ease here.
